A Diverse Learning Environment
Small Wonder Children's House has a variety of programmes to suit your child's needs. We offer two core programmes -
The Senior School Programme for children aged Three (3) and Four (4) years.
The Junior School Programme for children aged Five (5) and Six (6)
We also offer extra activities which are optional.

Junior School
The Junior school is for children who turn 3 or turn 4 in the current calendar year. The Junior School programme aims at enhancing social and communication skills, independence, everyday practical life skills and creativity through singing, drama and craft activities. The programme also provides an early introduction to phonics and numbers and other Montessori areas of study.

Senior School
The Senior School programme accepts enrolments from families with children who turn 5 or turn 6 in the current calendar year. The focus of The Senior School programme is to build a strong foundation in Maths & Language with a wide scope of general knowledge, Science, Geography/History, Culture, Social and Communication skills.
Hands-on exploration of the Montessori material ensures a concrete understanding of principles and makes learning meaningful and long lasting. Introduction to compulsory subjects in the Malaysian school system (eg Bahasa Malaysia, Agama etc) starts in Senior School as well. The emphasis on a "hands on" approach using Montessori materials further enhances the child’s learning and understanding of concepts.
This foundation creates a “thinking child” rather than a memorising one. Systematic use of materials and workbooks ensure each child fully understands what is learnt before moving on.

Support Activities
Field Trips twice a year
Sports Day
Parents Workshop
Concert & Graduation at the end of the year
Birthday Parties
Grocery Shopping Trips
Picnics and Nature walks
Post office trips
baking and festive celebrations